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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The 10 Commandments From a Dog's Perspective

The 10 Commandments From a Dog's Perspective
1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years; any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you adopt me.

2. Give me time to understand what you want from me; don't be impatient, short-tempered, or irritable.

3. Place your trust in me and I will always trust you back. Respect is earned not given as an inalienable right.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment; I am not capable of understanding why. I only know I have been rejected. You have your work, entertainment, and friends, but I only have you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice and your tone. You only have to look at my tail.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it, and if it's cruel, it may affect me forever.

7. Please don't hit me. I can't hit back, but I can bite and scratch, and I really don't ever want to do that

8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right foods or I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak. It may be I am just dog-tired.

9. Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old and may also need love, care, comfort, and attention.

10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, regardless of what you do, I will always love you.

Source: Internet

A dog’s seeing eye dog


Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Maddison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. The two are, of course, inseparable. 


Source: Internet

Dogs with Heart Markings

Heart-kun has a baby brother Love-kun with a similar heart shaped pattern

Heart-kun has a baby brother Love-kun with a similar heart shaped pattern 1
Heart-kun has a baby brother Love-kun with a similar heart shaped pattern 2
Heart-kun and Love-kun 2

Love-kun with cousin Kokoro-chan also displaying a heart:
Heart-kun and Love-kun
Heart-kun and Love-kun 3

The Amazing World Of Dogs In Photography

Beautiful blue eyed Weimaraner puppy
A soldier and his fellow dog in Iraq
Chesty, the official Marine Corps mascot, and his successor
How many dalmatian puppies can you spot on this photo?
A dog who loves to dive underwater
Do you love my wrinkles? Shar Pei close-up
Dog enjoys a beautiful sunset
Dog runs through a parade, Mexico
Homeless puppy needs some love
Pit bull puppy taking a nap with his favorite toy
Husky sleeping at red flower field
World`s smallest dog, named Beyonce, on a iPhone

Source: Internet

Could you get mad at these faces?

Just images of some precious, adorable little bastards with which to warm your very heart and soul today. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go punch several surrounding walls just to feel manly again.


Source: Internet

Cute Little Companions


Though some small dog breeds may have reputations as “accessories” for grown women, they can make great companions for kids as well. What these petite pets lack in size, they more than make up for in personality and playfulness. And they’re extremely loyal, to boot. In fact, your main concern when adopting a small dog may simply involve whether you and your family have the energy to keep up with him.Knowing which small dog is right for your family depends on many factors, such your lifestyle, the size of your family, the age of your children, and your willingness to train and groom the dog. There are also a number of small breeds to choose from, each with a mix of potential pros and cons. These photographs show right breed without any cons, see how the baby is enjoying with these puppies


Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Clean Your Dog's Ears

How to Clean Your Dog's Ears

They can be floppy, soft, large, or small. Dog ears come in all shapes and sizes. And while they may all look a little different, they all have one common purpose: to equip your dog to hear. The only problem: they often become dirty and infected, making hearing a difficult issue. This makes it vital that you clean your dog's ears to protect against a list of potential infections. Here are the steps along with necessary supplies to help you do just that.


  • Ear cleaning solution
  • Cotton balls
  • Tweezers
  • Towel
  • Dog Treats
  • Gloves (if applicable)

Step 1: Wash your hands or wear gloves.

To ensure that cleaning your dog's ears doesn't cause any further issues, it is important that your hands are clean or that you wear gloves. This will protect your dog against any further infections.

Step 2: Examine your dog's ears.

Examine your pooch's ears for potential infections or problems. Some symptoms to look for include the following: discharge, bad odors, hair loss, dry skin, redness. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your local veterinarian for proper diagnosis. These symptoms are likely the result of an infection.

Step 3: Trim ear hair.

If your dog's ear hair is beginning to get too long, you will want to carefully trim the hair. This will prevent the hair from matting and, ultimately, attracting further dirt particles.

Step 4: Add drops to ears.

Add appropriate ear cleaning solution to your dog's ears. Simply drop 1-2 drops of the solution in your pup's ears and begin massaging the base of the ears to help mix the drops.

Step 5: Add ear cleaning solution into ear by using a cotton ball.

Use an appropriate ear cleaning solution to clean your dog's ears. Some of the possible options include: vet-recommended ear cleaning solution, mineral oil, or a homemade mixture (1 part table vinegar, 2 parts water). Ultimately, you will want to make sure that your preferred solution is approved by your veterinarian. This will ensure that the solution is safe for your pet.

To clean the ear, simply add a couple of drops of the solution onto a cotton ball. Then, use the cotton ball to rub the solution into the ear and clean the ear. Start at the top of the ear and slowly move lower in the inner ear. When the ear begins giving you even slight resistance, do not go any lower in the ear to protect your dog's ear drum from any potential damage. Do not insert Q-tips into your pooch's ears as they can cause damage to the ear drum.

Step 6: Reward your dog.

Upon completion of cleaning your pup's ears, be sure to reward your dog with a treat and ample praise for his good behavior. This positive reinforcement will help make the dog comfortable each time you clean his ears.

So, that's how you can effectively clean your dog's ears. You should clean your pooch's ears either weekly or bi-weekly depending on the breed of your dog. Consult with your veterinarian, for applicable ear cleaning information for your pouch.

Clean Your Dog's Ears


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